Nomad Release

Out of Stock Out of Stock
Call to order

Nops - Pages - Parent Page Section - Redesign - The Parent Page section of page settings has been updated to allow you to assign a page to multiple parent pages at once, instead of having to save each individually

Nops - Pages - Tree view - Redesign - Page and category counts with links to filtered page searches have been added as well as a view button to go to the page on the storefront.

Enhancement - Nops - Items - Put item # in header near name - The items pages have been updated to allow you to see the item number for reference while on any of the tabs

Nops - Pages - Long page names overlap other page text on index - Long page names were causing display issues on the pages list in Nops (/pages)

Enhancement - Nops - Add a search to the customer dropdown like the pages dropdown - A customer or contact search can now be performed directly from the fulfillment header area

Enhancement - Tender SSO from NOPS - Direct sign in support from Nops for Tender support portal

Nops - Pages - Parent page list is in random order - Home will now always be at the top, followed by the rest alphabetically by hierarchy

Nops - Product Pages - Products tab - Regular price is wrong in list - Regular price was shown as list price on the condition it was lower than the default price

Storefront - Cache not cleared when category reparented - After the caching changes in last release, when a subcategory was moved to a new parent category, the parent category page cache wasn't immediately cleared to show the new subcategory

Storefront - Product pages - Virtual path access error with referers with + in them - Certain custom browser referer header settings were causing navigation errors on the storefront

Storefront - Shipping estimator is not working for live rates - The country code was not being sent from the estimator for live rate calls

Cache - Adding/changing a category image doesn't clear parent cache - After the caching changes in last release, when a subcategory image was changed, the parent category page cache wasn't immediately cleared to show the new subcategory image

Enhancement - Nops - Use the updated style save buttons - Save buttons will now active only when a change has been made in most areas of Nops. Additionally, when navigating away from an area with unsaved changes, a dialog will be displayed to confirm that you don't want to save the changes

Storefront - Checkout - Make clicking the submit button the only way to submit - If a customer was quick enough, or the site was responding slowly, the checkout fields could be edited while the order was being submitted, resulting in a duplicate order