Shipping Estimates (Non-Custom Options)

Nomad currently supports the following shipping carriers:
- FedEx Parcel and Freight
- UPS Parcel and Freight
- AAA Cooper Transportation Freight
These carriers are able to be called all at once on checkout, but we highly recommend that you limit your carrier quoting to one parcel and one freight carrier in order to ensure optimal checkout load times.
Nomad supports a variety of shipping methods that can be placed on the storefront using our carriers:
- Live Rates using account information to return negotiated rates
- Flat Rates
- No Shipping Option (Shipping after invoicing, etc)
Nomad supports the following variations on our shipping methods that can be leveraged without development:
- Markup % or $ amount on Live Rates (not customer, item, or order specific)
- Markup % of $ amount on Live Rates (not customer, item, or order specific)
Here's a diagram that shows how Live Rates work at a high level:
Nomad's out of the box shipping capabilities are more than enough for 90% of our clients, however, we do offer the ability for custom shipping modules to be designed for each client's unique needs.